Social Engineering Your Way To A Free Call lsd.head.fred 12/28/98 Disclaimer: i take no responsibility for what you do... Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is basically a text i wrote for teaching you how to get around operators... Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) materials 2) what is social engineering 3) how to (fortress phones) 4) how to (3rd party charging, and related calls) 5) calling cards 6) notes 7) blah Materials ~~~~~~~~~ You will need... o A pay phone (fortress phone, the ones that look new and the mouth piece is disabled till you pay) o A red box (go do this one yourself make it sound as clear as possible... tone dailer is the way...) o A nickel o A voice What is Social Engineering...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is simply the use of talking and making a connection with the operator... some are good at this and some aren't you will find out soon enough... just be nice and smooth don't stttuutteeerrr and ALWAYS stick to the same lie! never change your story... we shall begin... (you can socially engineer your way to anything...) How To (Fortress Phones)... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok after you have a pay phone to use first establish what kind of phone this is... if its a 'fortress phone' set up your shit... first decide what your lie is gonna be... i recommend telling the operator that the dial pad is all covered in gum... ok lets begin... dial '0' oper: hello? you : yes, hello how are you oper: fine how can i help you? you : yes this pay phone (try and have the street addy) is completely covered in gum... im not touching the dial pad but my wife is having a baby (deep voice helps...) could you please do me the favor of dialing the number for me....? oper: umm... ok... ill dial, is the coin slot covered in gum sir? you : no its not... oper: ok sir deposit the 35 cents after the call has been established... you : ok and thank you... i think its a boy! oper: well i wish you and your wife luck, and congrats... you : thank you... oper: what is the #? you : (AC)XXX-XXXX (X being the # and AC area code) oper: ok sir its thru deposit your 35 cents you : ok... Now just drop in a nickel, and use the red box... the reason you drop the nickel in is so the op hears a clear werking tone and a nickel is the smallest valued coin the fone accepts (cheap i am)... she disabled the cut off to the mic cause she needed to talk to her... she is still on the line! How To (3rd Party Charging, and related calls) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o Conf Calls Ok this is the easiest to pull off cause its legit and you should have no probs... read/remember/execute first we will cover what it takes to make a free conf call... some one should have dialed in this is the phone that will be billed and the phone that will except the charges... now the conf number should be long distance, now if some one is already there... dial '0' and ask for an AT&T Long Distance Operator... oper: hello you : yes can I get an AT&T Operator oper: yes hold please you : ok hurry bitch *mild pause* oper: AT&T how can i help you? you : yes id like to make a collect call oper: what is the number you : (give conf #) oper: and your name sir you : (your name) oper: ok ill patch you thru you : thanks Ok now if some one is on the conf # they just accept charges and the conf # gets billed... easy enough right? ok... next order of bidnezz... o 3rd party billing This is sort a like collect calling, but a few differences like... you're charging to a number that is neither the one your calling from nor the one your calling to... and you deal with the regular operator (example: your at home calling your transvestite monkey LuLu in another state...) LuLu doesn't want the bill nor do you... call '0' and tell her you wanna make a long distance call and you are not home you do not not wanna call collect cause the number you are calling is a business and you're at a business phone as well... tell her you want the bill to your local home number... oper: hello you : yes i wanna make a long distance call to my wife... she is at work out of state so it cant be collect and im at work, so can you bill the call to our local home number? oper: umm... ok sir you : thanks allot, its our 5 year anniversary oper: congrats sir, what is the number you will be charging to you : (AC)XXX-XXXX oper: and the service owners name? you : (owner of that lines name) oper: ok sir and the number you wish to be calling? you : (AC)XXX-XXXX oper: thank you sir have a nice day you : same... That's done also see its not hard... you will need the owner of the service name... maybe the social security number but if ya need the SS# just call back, some operators are dickheads cause they get scammed allot... Calling Cards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok this is prolly the hardest and most UN-related to social engineering... you will need a beige box and a can, the name of the service owner and his SS#.... your need to beige the line, use an ANI get the number, do some snooping to get the info you can call the number from home and tell the guy your running a survey can you have his name... you : hello im here at your local publix and were having a survey on shopping quality... can i have your full name? loser: yes im so&so you : thanx allot *hang up ok now you have that... write it down and keep it safe... now you can be straight forward and call and ask for his SS# or say your with visa and ask for his SS# you : hi im bob Dylan with Visa we had a few questions, did you order a TV by mail? looser: no i didn't you : well sir i think some one is charging to your account, could i have your SS# to verify a few things? looser: well umm.. ok its XXX-XX-XXXX you : sir you should cancel your card, you should call back to visa's customer service, would you like me to patch you through? looser: ok... *hang up ... and there ya go go back to the guy's house and beige box his line (or you could do all of this from the same can, i have), call the local bell office or '0' and ask to make a calling card for your line... they will ask you for that info you collected and your set if you cant get the SS#, when your asked for it by the operator just hang up, call back say you were disconnected after you said your SS#, could they read it back to you to make sure she got it, (write it down >:)) and ask for your pin number and you're done... Notes ~~~~~ Ok so you see this isn't hard... with the right info you can pull it off, always stick to the same lie never backtrack and don't give more info than the norm, remember act as normal as possible don't talk shit nor act smarter than the operator... also u can use the same lies for pay phones once a day, once you call 5 days straight complaining about gum on the pad they will get nosy since they sent a guy to clean it 3 days ago... catch my drift? ok well i hope this helped and happy phreaking... Blah ~~~~ Ok if you have anything to add or correct mail me at... if ya nice ill give ya my ICQ#... shout outs to the peeps on #hackintosh (you can find me there most of the time) Note: this text was written by me under a different handle before lsd.head.fred, this is still my shit so dont play slick and bootleg my werk...